Work Injury Compensation Claims

Work injuries are common and can be caused by a wide range of factors, meaning that not every injury at work is eligible for a Work Injury Compensation Claim. Some of the most common work injuries are hand injuries, hernias, and back injuries.

If you have suffered an injury at work, then you can claim financial compensation for damages such as physical injuries and loss of earnings. If you’ve been injured at work, then you have the right to make a claim for financial compensation, though you aren’t always guaranteed compensation.

Injuries that are Eligible for Work Injury Compensation Claims

Some employers will make a list of specific injuries that are eligible for a personal injury claim, so seek out any employer resources after the incident. While hand and back injuries are very common, more severe injuries – such as broken bones – are less often seen. However, even minor injuries like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can be life-changing and result in significant compensation for the injured party.

An Employer’s Dilemma

Employers are – understandably – concerned about claims and lawsuits against the company that arise out of injuries at work. As a result, it is common practice to try and record every injury to prevent spurious claims and inaccurate accounts. As these registers are admissible as evidence, registering your injury as soon as possible can help your case later. An accurate timeline of the injury can simplify calculation of your compensation.

Gathering Evidence

Make sure to gather all the evidence possible and keep a record of the time and date of your injury, as the amount of time suffering after the injury will affect the amount of compensation received. If you want advice about what evidence will help your case, then contact an accident claim specialist near you. As for physical evidence, payslips, expense receipts, and proof of any costs related to your injury is important for your case. An eyewitness that can corroborate the events around your injury will be powerful proof in your case, if you can find someone willing to testify.

Professional Help

If you have gathered enough evidence and are certain about the nature of your injury, then you should find a professional solicitor to advise you on how best to proceed. They will help to validate your case and file a claim against the company. Unlike car accident claims, you won’t have to show pictures of the site or damages of property to claim for compensation. Your solicitor will help you through every stage of your claim and help you get the compensation you deserve.